The First Easy-To-Use, FDA- Approved ERP/qEEG Device
1 in 4 Patients With Cognitive Disorders Is Misdiagnosed.
Shepherd Healthcare Solutions Untangles The Uncertainties.

Our Cognitive Test is FDA Approved. It is an objective biomarker system offering clarity in a field of complexity by facilitating an objective evaluation of patients with cognitive disorders.

Shepherd Healthcare Solutions assists neurologists and other physicians to
effectively differentiate between dementia and depression, track disease progression and assess overall cognitive deficits associated with dementia and concussion/mTBI.
Differentiating dementia from depression
Detecting deficits in the brain early in the disease process
Tracking disease progression over time
Demonstrating medications are working
Facilitating better return to environment decisions post head injury
Predicting disease course and outcome after a concussion or TBI